EM 13c: How To Renew Oracle Management Server (OMS) And Agent Server Default Certificate Expired?


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Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Steps to change Oracle Management Server (OMS) and Agent server default certificate expired for an EM 13c installation.

Steps applicable only for Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control default certificate expires

For Custom certificate expired follow the below Note
Note: 2202569.1 EM 13c, 12c: How to Configure the Enterprise Manager Management Service (OMS) with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificates



Following steps can be executed to renew Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control default certificate:

1. Take a backup of EM (OMS and Repository DB) before executing steps below.

1a. Start Admin Server

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl stop oms -all -force
emctl start oms -admin_only

2. Run the command below to create a new EM Certificate Authority (CA):

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl secure createca [-sysman_pwd ] [-host ] [-root_country <root_country>] [-root_state <root_state>] [-root_org <root_org>] [-root_unit <root_unit>] [-key_strength ] [-cert_validity ]

All the arguments are optional and can be specified, if required. sysman password will be prompted for if this is not provided at the command line.

Note: You can specify the "-cert_validity" value to the required time period. The number of days for which the self-signed certificate is valid. The valid range is between 1 to 3650

3. In case of a multi-OMS setup, copy the <gc_inst>/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/config/b64LocalCertificate.txt from the machine on which "emctl secure createca" was run to all other OMS machines at the same location i.e <gc_inst>/em/EMGC_OMS/sysman/config/b64LocalCertificate.txt

4. Secure All the OMS with New CA

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl secure oms -force_newca [-protocol TLSv1(EM 12c only)] [-protocol TLSv1.2(EM 13c only)]
emctl secure console -self_signed

In case of a multi-OMS setup configured with an SLB, secure each of the OMS using:

<OMS_HOME>/bin>./emctl secure oms -host <SLB Host name> -secure_port <HTTPS Upload Port> -slb_port <SLB upload Port> -slb_console_port <SLB Console port> -force_newca -console [Other arguments if any]

5. Restart all the OMS:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl stop oms -all
emctl start oms

6. You can view the details of new Certificate Authority created using the command below:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emcli login -username=sysman
emcli sync
emcli get_ca_info -details

7. Secure all the Agents so that they are also issued a certificate by the newly created CA.

<AGENT HOME>/bin>./emctl secure agent

8. Verify the demo certificate details of the OMS url:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl secdiag openurl -url https://<omshost.domain:upload_portno>/empbs/upload
emctl secdiag openurl -url https://<omshost.domain:console_portno>/em


  1. To renew OMS and Agent Server certificates in EM 13c, follow the steps for secure connections. For reliable web hosting, check out AmbitionHost.


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