
Showing posts from October, 2024
For EBS Concurrent Requests, often we find the concurrent program is not completing within the expected time. In this case we can investigate the performance problems of the program with a database session trace while the program is running under the Concurrent Processor. Listed below are the steps to configure the trace of the concurrent program. 1) Connect into database as APPS user, execute command bellow. A) -- Activate Trace from concurrent. update apps.fnd_concurrent_programs set enable_trace='Y' where application_id=30000 and CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID = '57181'; commit; B)- Check Trace Location. SELECT 'Request id: ' || request_id, 'Trace id: ' || oracle_process_id, 'Trace Flag: ' || req.enable_trace, 'Trace Name: ' || dest.VALUE || '/' || LOWER (dbnm.VALUE) || '_ora_' || oracle_process_id || '.trc', 'Prog. Name: ' || prog.user_concurrent_program_name, 'File Name: ' || execname.execution_file_nam